Lake Toba, Indonesia
Month: November 2023
This picture is of a sunset over Honolulu, I like to include a picture with every entry — and was at a loss for what one place to include with Irvin’s, so I decided a Sunset might best capture the spirit of what he has shared with us.
I, personally, love Irvin’s entry, it’s not about any one place, and yet it is a beautiful entry about life, containing insight and wisdom that I appreciated as I read it. It has also prompted me to consider if perhaps another Journal project, one asking people to write about moments in their lives that have “stuck with them” and “left a lasting impact” might lead to similarly moving and insightful entries. Perhaps one asking our “eldest generation” about times when they felt like they were “witnessing history” or had that realization, even in retrospect, that they had done so.