

This website houses physical entries that Journals that go adventuring around the world collect… and hopes to both share those entries, and collect more as well.

As the front page of the physical journals explains:

This Journal was inspired by my cousin’s school project.  October 2018 a first grader in Virginia Beach, Virginia, sent a journal out into the world to learn about life beyond her home.  It traveled from family members to friends, to places she has never been, learning along the way about the different things people do, & love (or find interesting) about where they live.

This Journal, collecting similar entries, has a broader destination.  Instead of being returned to a specific student, in a single classroom, it is going to be scanned in and shared with teachers in several states, who will, in turn, share it not only with their students but with other teachers they know who feel their students will find this chance to learn about the world interesting.

Please take a few minutes to share a message about yourself and your hometown. (And feel free to read the previous entries, discover where the journal has already been, and learn about those it has already visited.)

Please consider including something to help kids out with their Geography.  THANKS!

The intent of the original journal was that it would be mailed from one person to the next, at their home… and they could add a picture, a newspaper clipping from the week the journal was with them that captured the flavor of their town, something of that nature.  Please consider e-mailing me a picture to print and include along with your entry.

You can send everything to WorldJourneyJournal @

Entries already shared online are at:
and on WorldJourneyJournal dot com

Thank you for your time!!!    And Thank You for helping a bunch of kids learn about their country… and the world at large!